I don’t know about you but it’s just early December and I’m already drained of Christmas spirit.

Now I don’t want to sound like Scrooge but when the Xmas trees have been up in the foyers of hotels and shopping centres since the time I was still putting the sun tan lotion on during my summer holiday it’s starting to grate a little. The telly ads all switched to happy families sat around the Christmas dinner table the very day after bonfire night. Xmas comes far too early in my opinion and spoils the enjoyment of the 24 day December build up.

In the Butler household Xmas starts with the ‘big switch on’ of the Christmas lights that reside all year amongst the decaying branches of the very old oak tree in my front garden. It’s a signal to the whole neighbourhood that Christmas is coming and houses adorned with multi coloured lights are switched on to drain the electricity supply from the local substation. The lights are traditionally switched on on December 1st by my youngest daughter who is now a student at University and so the lights were lit this year one day early as she was home for the weekend. Once she left for the train station to return to her studies the lights were swiftly switched off again by yours truly. Too early - Bah humbug!

As a golfer, Christmas is a time when golf related gifts appear under the Christmas tree and there have been some classics. The Nick Faldo jumper craze with the triangular golfer on the front – yep I had that one and actually liked wearing it at the time. It, alongside a tank top my mum once knitted me, goes down as a couple of the worst fashion faux pas in my life to date. The frustration doll golfer,  that you can rip apart when the anger management course notes are not to hand. Various ball markers, putt returners, thermal golf socks, golf mugs, golf hip flasks, golf cufflinks – I think I have the lot.

The good news is that I don’t get golf presents from people who play golf. They understand what golf is, and means, and so they understand that golf purchases need to be considered if you’re buying for a proper golfer. I think I’m right in saying that all the naff golf christmas golf gifts I’ve had have come from non-golfers. I can even recall when Mrs B changed from a non-golfer to a golfer that she suddenly understood what a proper golf gift was and wasn’t. Golf books tend to be a safe bet as I lap them up but beyond that it’s probably a difficult choice to get the ideal gift for the proper golfer.

You know what’s coming don’t you?

Whether you’re a golfer or a non-golfer buying a gift for a golfer then an ETIQUS timepiece is one that I think you can buy with confidence knowing that as a unique, quality Christmas golf gift the chances that a golfer will appreciate it are some way better than even money.

So as an assist to all my fellow golfers out there and as blatant a piece of self-promotion that you’ll ever get from me - if you are considering a golfing gift for the golfer in your life this Christmas then  take a good look at my range of golf timepieces. I promise you that it’ll put you in the good books when you  sit down to your  Christmas dinner.

Enjoy your Xmas Crackers and Turkey Trots in December!

Yours in Golf,

Gary Butler,
